1 Dec 2024 – As per usze, I have created the latest Neu Dawn promotional graphics and will be providing the onsite playlist for the event Sunday Dec 15 –
with special thanks to Carly Andrews, Ryan Jetten, Jessica Harden, Alfred Ward, & Melissa Jones
2 June 2024 – “Dematerialize” – the first release from Luxury Sleep Solutions [featuring myself with Adam Taylor and Conar Rochford] is available on streaming services and to purchase on most platforms. Cover art by Jennifer Emerson. vocabularian@gmail.com
6 Oct 2022 : Weird reads with Emily Louise: The Montauk Project
I assisted the brilliant Emily Louise with her latest video! I’m a longtime reader of the Montauk Project conspiracy clusterfuck books and I’ve long since devoured every video released by Emily Louise, so I’m honored to help with the research on this entry and provide some voice-over assistance.
BLUD TEA is a reconsideration of the Just Daddy album EAT BLUD, track by track, featuring Brad Bittinger and Will Fawcett. It’s a very specific kind of gnarly. Previously only (and still) available as a bonus CDR in the LP slipcase CD edition of EAT BLUD.
OCT 10 2021: NEU DAWN 4 – Exhibition soundtrack and archival video by TL
Feb 3 2021: JUST DADDY my experimental ambient doom project with Ryan Jetten have just released our first album, God Housekeeping. It’s a bit weird and scary -just like you- and you can find it on your streaming service of choice.
My new record WOKE UP THE BOPS is out 21 January 2021
Check out some documentation of the NEU DAWN III exhibition and hear the music I cooked up for it. Attendees were encouraged to bring their own headphones and follow each piece of the exhibit song-for-song via a url set up for the experience by longtime MVP Will Fawcett. Very fun experience to create for and the artists did really great work.
11 December 2020:
HOLIDAY SPECIAL: J9 presents HARD CONAN A heavy metal doom playlist to a familiar barbarian epic… because the holidays
28 Nov 2020: Full pop record coming soon, but in the meantime I’m making all the sounds for the 2020 NEU DAWN installations…
5 May 2020: Lots of new and varied music in the works; for some reason I made this one public:
LISTEN ON SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3jkBlDX7G7CzqCH4YU8ADi
Purchase the album:
Watch the home music video presentation:
17 June 2018:
To hear more Trey Lane music, including Physical Culture, Yert Al’en, the Port Wine Stain, Seduction Bomb, Skylight Honey, Chaoboi, Hotbox Escape Pod, and more: